The North Pacific Wire

Monday, April 18, 2005

Allies of NPD Endorse Pixiedance!

In retaliation for a supposed ADN-led invasion, Allies and supporters of the NPD, consisting of regions such as Gatesville, The Pacific, and USSR, moved UN nations into The North Pacific to endorse Pixiedance. [1a 1b]What really happened still remains a mystery and the NPD have yet to post any evidence of a supposed ADN plot. As is common after an event such as this, rumors immediately started to circulate and attempts to separate fact and fiction are becoming increasingly more difficult.

As a result of foreign intervention, Pixiedances endorsement count jumped from 482 to 530 in a less than 6 hours. [2a 2b] It has subsequently dropped slightly, most likely as a result of foreign nations leaving after successfully foiling the supposed ADN plot.

After clearing the banlist just a day ago, Moldavi has added 93 new nations to the banlist. [3] While no formal accusations have been made, it seems that many of them he considered to have been a part of the so called invasion plan.

In another sudden reversal, the "Moldavi Doctrine", introduced just yesterday, was drastically changed (see link). While the original version seemed to show promise, at least on the surface, of bringing more liberty to The North Pacific, the revised version shows that the Directorate is becoming more and more authoritarian.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

NPC rejects "Five Tenets of Peace"

In a sudden and unexpected move, the Directorate submitted a peace proposal to the Confederation, entitled "The Five Tenets of Peace" or the "Moldavi Doctrine".

The Tenets -

The Five Tenets of Peace

These tenets, presented on behalf of the North Pacific Directorate, The North Pacific and it’s Peoples, hereafter referred to as the NPD, to the group formerly known as the underground movement of The North Pacific, hereafter referred to as the underground, do hereby put forth the recommendations and conditions for Peace within the region of The North Pacific.

The Tenets:

I. The region of The North Pacific will hold open Delegate elections, held in accordance with the Guidelines for Election to the Office and Position of Delegate of The North Pacific beginning on July 1st, 2005. In the interests of time, Qualification II, required service of 4 months in the Regional Assembly, will be muted for this first election. All subsequent elections will follow the prescribed Guidelines fully.

II. The region of The North Pacific will conduct all business and play on the NPD s4 forum. The forum currently in use by the underground will be closed and remain dormant for perpetuity.

III. The Ministry of the NPD will be expanded to include one additional member. This nation will be selected by the underground and will be confirmed by The Minister. This office will be Minister of the Interior and will be the public liasion in charge of reintegrating the underground members into The North Pacific society and community. Upon completion of that task this office will be expanded to include oversight on domestic issues.

IV. The banlist of The North Pacific will be cleared. The nations having suffered forced relocation will be welcome back into the region provided they accept these Tenets fully. The endorsement cap and Exemption Procedures will remain in effect until such time as a subsequent Delegate nation decides to lift them. Any nations in violation of these Tenets or the Endorsement Cap will be subject to immediate relocation.

V. The government of the underground will disband and it’s members will recognize the legality and legitimacy of the NPD. All members that take the Oath of Office for the position of Senator of the Regional Assembly will be welcome to join it’s ranks. All forms of hostility between the underground and the NPD will cease immediately. Any nation(s) found to be in violation of these Tenets will be subject to immediate relocation and labelling as an opponent of Peace.

These Five Tenets of Peace are presented to the peoples of the underground as a final attempt to achieve Peace within The North Pacific. It is our hope that these Tenets are easily acceptable to all and will be seen by all as a true movement towards long lasting Peace in the region we call home.
These five tenets bear a striking resemblance to the proposal's of the Conference and Summit, which had already been rejected.

The Confederation replied with this -

Our reply to the proposal set forth by The Minister/Ivan Moldavi/Pierconium/Pixiedance is: NO, we Decline. We will not accept any so called peace offering that leaves us in your total control.
You said to me before Ivan:
“that diplomacy is a tool of the defeated”

Your use of diplomacy now…at this juncture has me agreeing with you. Especially since 2 summits and a conference were never enough for you to offer just and reasonable compromises that were real compromises.

You also stated before…. “If I see an opportunity, I will take it,” Be assured that we not offer you another opportunity.

In specific response to the specific “tenets” of the proposal, the point by point response is as follows, given that none of the items are, according to the term of The Minister’s statement subject to any form of negotiation:

1. The concept of delegate elections has never been an issue; however, there has never been a consensus as to what would constitute free and fair election mechanisms and as to the scheduling of such elections. This “tenet” unilaterally imposes a system devised by the Minister and the NPD Ministry for its own benefit and there is nothing to indicate that it is established with the interests of any nation other than those favored by The Minister. The Minister assumes that the Codex and the procedures posted in connection with the Codex, as they currently stand, are acceptable, but those documents are not acceptable in their current form.

2. The use of the s4 forum as the exclusive purview of regional activity is unacceptable. We are fully aware of who owns and controls that forum, and that is not an acceptable venue to us as the exclusive venue of exclusive offsite forum activity.

3.The proposal for a Minister of the Interior and the scope of responsibility that The Minister presents raises the same concern that the first “tenet” presents. It is a unilateral imposition of a system devised by The Minister and the NPD Ministry for its own benefit and there is nothing to indicate that it is established with the interests of any nation other than those favored by The Minister. It also assumes that the Codex and the procedures posted in connection with the Codex, as they currently stand, are acceptable, but those documents are not acceptable in their current form.

4. We agree that the regional ban list should be cleared, but it should occur without preconditions or post conditions. The endorsement cap and exemption procedures suffer from the same defects as the Codex and the other procedures that have been put in place within the NPD, that is, both the exemption cap and the exemption procedures were unilaterally imposed by The Minister and the NPD Ministry for its own benefit and there is nothing to indicate that it is established with the interests of any nation other than those favored by The Minister. This “tenet” also assumes that that the Codex and the procedures posted in connection with the Codex, as they currently stand, are acceptable, but those documents are not acceptable in their current form.

5. There are serious problems with the Regional Assembly as it is conceived by the NPD. The ability of the NPD Ministry to interfere with the functioning of the Assembly as well as the structure and constraints under which it is organized are subject at all times to the unilateral whims of The Minister and the NPD Ministry for its own benefit make the current mechanism as it exists in the NPD unacceptable. There is nothing to indicate that the regional assembly was ever established with the interests of any nation other than those favored by The Minister. It is clear that a minority that has complete loyalty to the NPD regime can control the substantive work of the regional assembly, and to the extent anything is adopted, it is subject to a veto of the Minister and the NPD Ministry, even if a significant majority of nations in the regional assembly favor any given action. The structure of that system as it currently stands, are not acceptable.

The following Ministers of the NPC government voted unanimously to decline your so called peace offering.

Tresville, Grosseschnauzer, Free4All, Heft, GoalVA, Flemingovia, James2Spooky, Romanoffia

To all those that are reading this and still want to pursue diplomatic talks with the imposed NPD government I will leave you with another Pierconium/Pixiedance quote:
"Actually, some of you have, or at least have the insight to see that you will not prevail and that compromise is the far better alternative."

Not exactly what one would call peace....more like he wants us to submit!! So we stay the course!
You can see for yourself at -

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Equilism denounces the NPD

The government of Equilism, one of the largest and most respected player-created regions in NationStates, recently released a statement condemning the North Pacific Directorate. This comes on the heels of the announcement made by The West Pacific (see: TWP denunciation of the NPD). You can view the denunciation at the Equilism forums ( here.

Neo-Conservatism, the Equilism Minister of Foreign Affairs, had this to say.

As for our international standing, while I certainly hope Equilism will continue to be on the rise in terms of international influence, it would be great if that rise would come on the heels of larger regions making similar anti-NPD statements. As the destruction of the tyranny in the North Pacific is our primary goal, if that makes us a more popular region, great. But I really feel strongly that the statement would have been just as, if not more, important to make, if we had stood to lose international influence because the larger community was accepting of the NPD.
He also added that he was "a little ashamed" that Equilism took so long to come out with the statement, and also said this:

While it was obviously directed at [Moldavi], it also was perhaps even more so directed at the other democratic regions of NationStates. Because our primary goal was to help rally a sort of interregional coalition against the NPD, we really didn’t care what Moldavi would think of our statement.
Neo-Conservatism stressed that he believes the democratic regions of NS need to stand united against the NPD, and other non-democratic governments.

As I tried to convey in the declaration, the democratic regions need to be united. If there is internal division amongst us, that will inherently make us weaker and the invaders stronger. If we squabble about if the NPD is legitimate, if the NPO/PRP is democratic now, we lose sight of what they really are. They are not democratic governments, and I frankly feel trying to be apologists for them is tantamount to a grave injustice upon the countless residents of those regions, whole are living under their authoritarian rule.

Friday, April 08, 2005

The Minister Goes on Banning Spree

In a shocking turn of events, The North Pacific banlist grew from 20 nations to 136. While many of those nations are puppets, many citizens of the region are appalled. A poll was started, and so far 73% of the voters have said they do not support the bannings.

This seems to have started a little over 24 hours ago, with Insane Power making this post:

"The following accused are now standing for trial. The nations of:

Tresville Unplugged

I, Insane Power am acting Minister of Liberty and are currently holding you to your right of a speedy trial. I find you all guilty. Anyone who wishes to plead any form of defense has 2 minutes to do so from the time of this post.

Anyone who fails to do so will be assumed to accept their guilt.

Punishments will be laid out separately at my discretion."

This was followed in short order with this post:

" Oh my that of the criminal mind in TNP seems slow to react. Unable to even raise your own defense within your trial period.

You are therefore all guilty. I note that Hersfold and Tresville have additional nations in TNP. I will be taking this into account.

Case Closed.

Sentences to follow."

Insane Power made a similar post convicting multiple other nations. It should be noted, however, that he had only charged four nations at the time the ejections took place. The response to the bannings has been, with little exception, very negative. Many nations were astonished, and even thought that it was simply a joke. Even supporters of the Directorate are saddened.

**Note that if you are not able to view the links to the S4 forum it might be because the thread was removed or your IP address is banned from the NPD forum**

Sunday, April 03, 2005

TWP Denunciation of the NPD

Friday, April Fools Day, a day of jokes and harassment and all around good times for everyone around the world. A day when insults and false statements are not only common, but expected as a matter-of-course.

Not so for The West Pacific, who by a unanimous vote of 19-0 decided to publicly condemn the North Pacific and take protective measures to remove NPD members from their government, all for the protection of the West Pacific and as a show of support to those regions threatened by the ascendancy of the North Pacific Directorate.

The Resolution and subsequent announcement, which has been described as a shift in WestPac foreign policy and a temporary protective measure, included a very strong denunciation of the North Pacific Directorate as 'a menace to the Nationstates world and a scourge to all Freedom-loving regions', as well as supportive legislation designed to remove and bar NPD members from all active government positions within the West Pacific. The purpose of the removal is to protect the West Pacific government from any potential NPD retaliation due to this new adopted foreign policy.

When asked about what he thought this measure meant to the West Pacific, both as a matter of foreign policy and to the future and stability of the WestPac; the Prime Minister Dilber responded with:
I believe that it shows that we do not deal with these types of regimes, and TWP stands by it's treaties to those that we are allied with. We were allied with the other gov via the United Democratic Pacific's and we stand by them. As for the stability of TWP, I do believe we shall be stable for a long time to come, and I look forward to the future of our region.
~Dilber, by AIM

ZetaOne, the Delegate, further added:
In the foreign policy area, I believe that even if some other regions are not sure how to react to it, I hope and believe it will not hurt relations with our allies. We did this because we felt the need to, it is not an everyday thing we like to do in The West Pacific. I also think the document will actually bring The West Pacific together on a stance. Even if most of us had no opinion on the situation before. The council shows that even those who did not have a stance, such as me actually, decided to take one. It will help keep us stable because a united government is a strong government.
~Zetaone, by AIM

Reactions to the new TWP stance on the NPD have generally been favorable, with Nasicournia, England, and several other influential regions throwing support behind the WestPac proclamation, some enthusiastically. Other regions, such as the Peoples Republic of the Pacific, have chosen to maintain full neutrality between the two regions.

Predictably, threats and flowery warnings have been the only statements or actions to come out of the North Pacific Directorate. Judessia, the Minister of Justice for the NPD, completely banned all TWP members from the NPD-controlled IRC chat-room #The_North_Pacific. One statement, by the NPD Delegate Moldavi/Pixiedance on the official denunciation thread, went so far as to warn the West Pacific that they would never know that he was working to destabilize the Regions government:
If I sought to destabilize you, you wouldn't know until after it was done.

Ask around, I do my best work with a smile on my face...

~The Minister (Moldavi/Pixiedance), On the TWP Forums

While it is unclear exactly how this ringing denunciation will impact the future of the Nationstates role-playing world, it seems certain that this bold new strategy on the part of TWP will have a shaking impact both on the NPD and future oppressive regimes.

Related Links
-The Full text of the announcement and related comments can be found here: Denunciation of the NPD.
-The full Resolution and vote can be found here: The Resolution & Vote
