The North Pacific Wire

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Lemuria University

The region of Lemuria is in the process of launching a university to teach the various aspects of NationStates™ play. Lemuria is recruiting the professors from a broad range of playing styles and affiliations — most coming from outside the region.

The courses to be offered are as follows:

• Defending arts
• Invading arts
• Statecraft theory
• Flag design (vexillology)
• Cartography
• Roleplaying
• Out of Character community
• Forum design and maintainence
• Recruiting procedures
• United Nations Affairs

Lemuria is a neutral region and intends to maintain an unbiased method of teaching so that newcomers to the world of NationStates™ may find their own path in the game, enjoy it more, and stay involved longer.

To sign up for classes, visit this forum

Monday, March 28, 2005

Den Takes Lazarus

Welcome to Lazarus; Land of the Risen DEN soldier ! !

This is what Lazarus natives and the walking dead woke up to see in The World Factbook Entry 11 hours ago. Days before, defenders came to the aid of Lazarus whose delegate was deleted for multying. It stirred the usual controversy of, "Thanks, who invited you!" Den used this controversy to their advantage and planted the seeds of mistrust in the Lazarus community. The advice of defenders was ignored and the pretender native/Invader was allowed to take the delegacy.

Den of course reveled in their victory in their usual comedic fashion: HQ posts ridiculing Defenders and natives alike.
While DEN and it's allies were busy launching an attack on a feeder, TITO, once again fooled by our Counter-Intelligence services, invaded 0 BEER DRINKERS 0 in a show of astonishing naivity, confirming once again the rumours that TITO's Intelligence apparatus IS non-existant.

The Invader Delegate Lynnaka did show some amount sportsmanship in a post in Lazarus forum.
I wouldn't worry so much about it. The DEN is not an empire-builder, and your region will be back to normal before you know it.

It is all part of the NS game.
Pending update the region should be freed tonight. It appears that many defenders have come to the aid of the region. Barbeau has over 50 endorsements and Den invaders who had taken 0 BEER DRINKERS 0 arrived to support their own.

Lazarus is where deleted nations are sent to ressurect. The MODS never intended for the region to have a community, yet one did blossom. The region was controlled by Testlandia the founder and a MOD nation, "used to test new features on the live server before they're inflicted on regular players." Quote from the NS MOD Violet. Barbeau contacted the MODS in Jolt and asked if they could have delegate powers granted to the region. The founder was removed and the request granted with some limits. The region is now like The Rejected Realms where no nation can be booted and the delegate can only alter the World Fact Book Entry. All it really did was open the region to invasions. This is sure to become a popular invader target in the game unless the Lazarus Government can unite and secure it. All eyes on Lazarus!

Related Links
Lazarus Forum
Barbeau's request

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Problems in The Meritocracy

The Meritocracy, one of the most respected organizations in NationStates, has been having problems keeping senators of late. In one months time, the Merit has lost roughly 9 senators. Some left for personal reasons, but the latest resignations are due to the acceptance of Moldavi as a Merit Citizen. This public protest of Moldavi's citizenship is disrupting the balance in the senate and the general view among NatonStates members (those I have encountered) is that The Meritocracy is headed for closure. Hopefully this is not the case.

Tygaland has a comment...

I'd like to congratulate Moldavi on being voted back into the Merit Senate. To those that have resigned as a result of this vote, you are obviously not true supporters of democratic process. Democracy will produce results that you like and dislike, you must accept both to truly accept democracy.

Pope Hope also has a comment...

When The Meritocracy passed legislation condemning the acts of Moldavi, then voted him in using the excuse that it was a different character even though he posted TWICE as a Senator in regards to his role as Pixiedance, that was beyond reproach. They have betrayed the people of the North Pacific, the regions that formerly respected them, and worst of all, the have betrayed themselves with this decision.

I, along with others (a number that will only continue to grow in the coming weeks) have resigned due to my own resolve to my personal principles. Myself and my home region of Nasicournia will continue to honor our alliance with the residents of the North Pacific. Right now, my neighbors and the residents of other respected regions are discussing or voting on closing down their Embassies at the Merit, and one Ambassador (from the Democratic Underground).

Most appalling of all were two of the three Ministries Moldavi applied for and was accepted to right after he was voted back in--The Ministry of Defense and the Foreign Diplomatic Corps. If the first isn't an intense conflict of interest, I don't know what is--and the second is diplomatic suicide for TM considering Moldavi's loathed international reputation. By giving him legitimacy in this fashion, they are losing their own.

I hope some day I can return to The Meritocracy I once loved and respected. I still love a lot of the people there. Unfortunately as of now, I must support those who choose to openly protest their recent actions, as I could not think of a bigger slap in the face to TNP and the regions and nations that support them.

The Meritocracy has also recently lost its Lictor, but quickly elected another. CrazyGirl (previous Lictor) has quit actively playing the game and Eli is elected in her stead.

Good Luck to CrazyGirl, congratulations to Eli and The NP Wire wishes the best for the Meritocracy! Hopefully this article will bring more players to the Meritocracy region, players that can strengthen the democratic endeavors of the government. Good Luck!

Jallalacks Resigns
Democratic Underground
Resignation of Playachk
Dilber of The West Pacific Resigns
Landster takes a league of absence
Tuesday Heights Resigns
Nem Resigns
Pope Hope Resigns

Merit and The North Pacific Links
Resolution Regarding The North Pacific
Moldavi's Citizenship
Moldavi Posts Regional Update
Moldavi denied Embassy
NPU Request for Embassy
Embassy of The NPU
The NP BackAlley Discussion

NPU becomes NPC

The exiled government of The North Pacific has decided to change its name from The North Pacific Underground to The North Pacific Confederation.
After months of being labeled as terrorists by the North Pacific Directorate, the group is seeking to change its image to a more appropriate one.

The forum members (Original NP forum) all participated in the process posting their suggestions for the name change. Sixteen suggested names were compiled and voted on. That number was cut down to the top 2 (The North Pacific Confederation and The North Pacific Alliance). The NPC won primarily due to the possibility of mistaking the NPA for the North Pacific Army.

Related Links
Vote on Name Change

A.S.E. And Greece Merge

The Allied States of EuroIslanders and Greece have united their governments to create the Delian League. Operating from the A.S.E. Forum, the Greek Senate and the Assembly of Allied States run the democratic government of the two regions. Here is part of the statement made by the founder of A.S.E. EuroSoviets.

The Delian League has now been ratified by both the Greek Senate and the Assembly of Allied States. In effect this votes both bodies out of existence and combines Greece and the Allied States of EuroIslanders into a democratic federation known as The Delian League.

It is a significant merge in Nation States, due to A.S.E.’s participation in the defender group known as the R.L.A. (Red Liberty Alliance). This is one of the top defender groups in the game.

The A.S.E. Region at the moment contains 150 nations and the current delegate is The Smurfocracy of Danitoria. Greece contains 46 nations and the delegate is The Hellenistic Empire of Nikolaos The Great.

More to come...

Related Links:
The Delian League Forum

Saturday, March 26, 2005

The North Pacific Wire

The North Pacific Wire officially opens today, becoming the first news site of the region. The goal of the Wire is to bring Nation States news to The North Pacific as well as to bring NP news to the rest of the regions in the game.

This news service will not post links to any Defender/Invader organizations on the side drop down menu in an attempt to remain impartial. The news posted here comes from NationStates players from different regions in the game. If you would like to add your regional forum link please contact Tresville.

The NP Wire is always looking for contributors or taking requests for news. If you would like to contribute or would like to make a correction to any information written, please notify Tresville.