Friday, April Fools Day, a day of jokes and harassment and all around good times for everyone around the world. A day when insults and false statements are not only common, but expected as a matter-of-course.
Not so for The West Pacific, who by a unanimous vote of 19-0 decided to publicly condemn the North Pacific and take protective measures to remove NPD members from their government, all for the protection of the West Pacific and as a show of support to those regions threatened by the ascendancy of the North Pacific Directorate.
The Resolution and subsequent announcement, which has been described as a shift in WestPac foreign policy and a temporary protective measure, included a very strong denunciation of the North Pacific Directorate as
'a menace to the Nationstates world and a scourge to all Freedom-loving regions', as well as supportive legislation designed to remove and bar NPD members from all active government positions within the West Pacific. The purpose of the removal is to protect the West Pacific government from any potential NPD retaliation due to this new adopted foreign policy.
When asked about what he thought this measure meant to the West Pacific, both as a matter of foreign policy and to the future and stability of the WestPac; the Prime Minister Dilber responded with:
I believe that it shows that we do not deal with these types of regimes, and TWP stands by it's treaties to those that we are allied with. We were allied with the other gov via the United Democratic Pacific's and we stand by them. As for the stability of TWP, I do believe we shall be stable for a long time to come, and I look forward to the future of our region.
~Dilber, by AIM
ZetaOne, the Delegate, further added:
In the foreign policy area, I believe that even if some other regions are not sure how to react to it, I hope and believe it will not hurt relations with our allies. We did this because we felt the need to, it is not an everyday thing we like to do in The West Pacific. I also think the document will actually bring The West Pacific together on a stance. Even if most of us had no opinion on the situation before. The council shows that even those who did not have a stance, such as me actually, decided to take one. It will help keep us stable because a united government is a strong government.
~Zetaone, by AIM
Reactions to the new TWP stance on the NPD have generally been favorable, with Nasicournia, England, and several other influential regions throwing support behind the WestPac proclamation, some enthusiastically. Other regions, such as the Peoples Republic of the Pacific, have chosen to maintain full neutrality between the two regions.
Predictably, threats and flowery warnings have been the only statements or actions to come out of the North Pacific Directorate. Judessia, the Minister of Justice for the NPD, completely banned all TWP members from the NPD-controlled IRC chat-room #The_North_Pacific. One statement, by the NPD Delegate Moldavi/Pixiedance on the official denunciation thread, went so far as to warn the West Pacific that they would never know that he was working to destabilize the Regions government:
If I sought to destabilize you, you wouldn't know until after it was done.
Ask around, I do my best work with a smile on my face...
~The Minister (Moldavi/Pixiedance), On the TWP Forums
While it is unclear exactly how this ringing denunciation will impact the future of the Nationstates role-playing world, it seems certain that this bold new strategy on the part of TWP will have a shaking impact both on the NPD and future oppressive regimes.
Related Links-The Full text of the announcement and related comments can be found here:
Denunciation of the NPD.
-The full Resolution and vote can be found here:
The Resolution & Vote~Biyah